About Us
CIDETEC, Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Cómputo, was created in 1997 as a part of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), a public institution with the support of the Mexican government. Its mission is to exploit and develop new technologies in the field of computing engineering, both through the formation of researchers and professionals with a high degree of competitiveness, and the development of innovation projects and technology transfer, with a commitment to serve every sector in the society. Since 2005, CIDETEC has a Master on Computing Technology (MCT) that has been validated as a program of excellence by CONACyT, México’s top regulating organism for science and technology. The MCT program has more than seventy graduated fellows from eight generations; nowadays the program has forty-nine students, with a biannual inscription process. The development of projects for both public-service and technological innovation is a fundamental issue for CIDETEC, since researchers and students can solve real-life problems for the community welfare, by the application of new technologies; among these projects stand out the collaborations with the underground transportation system of Mexico City and the Secretariat of National Defense. IPN participates in collaboration agreements with some of the most important educational institutions worldwide, and their effects are extended to CIDETEC with a significant strengthening of its academic life. In this way, the mobility of students and professors has an increasing importance in parallel to the development of joint international projects, with the vision of the CIDETEC as a reference for quality and reliability in technological innovation on computing engineering.